Sunday, September 13, 2009

Missed Manners

I've been trying to avoid this topic because it makes me feel old and crotchety (and I swear I'm neither). But why in the world have so many people in our society gotten so obnoxious? Actually, I know why. Because we give them an audience; we reward bad behavior with our attention. One convenient and recent example would be a certain South Carolina senator, who was slow in apologizing for a completely inappropriate outburst at an inopportune time. Now his rudeness has become a bumper sticker slogan and he's received all sorts of undeserved attention. We must remember to practice ignoring the jackasses. Everyone in our dysfunctional society seems to crave attention. If we give the jerks attention for their lousy behavior then we are just asking for more of the same. It's like giving a dog a bone for peeing on the carpet.
This is a completely bi-partisan opinion by the way. I don't care what side of the aisle you're on...don't behave like a buffoon! Instead, go to this website and take the pledge --

Nobody's perfect, but the tide needs to turn before we turn into a nation of boorish idiots.

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